Arabic Scripture

Easy to read version erv ar س ج ل ن س ب ي س وع.
Arabic scripture. Initially it was dated to the end of the 8th century by bruno violet the scholar who discovered the fragments in 1901. May the lord god bless you and guide you through our pages. And isaac begat jacob. 1 the book of the generation of jesus christ the son of david the son of abraham.
و ي ع ق وب و ل د ي ه وذ ا و إ خ و ت ه. 1 ه ذا س ج ل عائ ل ة ي س وع الم س يح. The holy bible is considered as an encounter with god and an interaction with him in a spirit of worship and piety from an introduction to the coptic church. Giving as literal as possible a rendering of this holy biblical text in a fresh accurate and literal english translation transliteration.
Arabic bible outreach ministry is dedicated to proclaim the love of god as revealed in the holy bible the injil to all arabic speaking people on the internet. جاء ي س وع م ن ن سل داو د و داو د م ن ن سل إب راه يم. 2 abraham begat isaac. See our intro video.
And jacob begat judas and his brethren. However recent research has paleographically dated this manuscript to late 9th and early 10th cen. The arabic script is a writing system used for writing arabic and several other languages of asia and africa such as persian kurdish sindhi balochi pashto lurish urdu kashmiri and mandinka among others. Until the 16th century it was also used to write some texts in spanish additionally prior to the language reform in 1928 it was the writing system of turkish.
2 إ ب راه يم و ل د إ س حاق. The earliest fragment of the old testament in arabic is a text of psalm 77 found in the umayyad mosque. Arabic bible الكتاب المقدس تطبيق الكتاب المقدس كامل بدون انترنت العهد القديم و العهد الجديد ويحتوي التطبيق علي امكانيات للقرائة مشاركة الجزء المقروء عن طريق الوسائل الاجتماعية لا يحتاج انترنت للقراءة صغير الحجم دعم كل انواع الهواتف والاجهزة اللوحية يحتوي علي العهد. The family of the arabic bible outreach ministry.
Our sincere desire is for all arabic speaking people on the internet to be introduced to god s eternal plan for men s salvation through jesus christ the messiah. 1 ك ت اب م يلا د ي س وع ال م س يح اب ن د او د اب ن إ ب راه يم. Translations of the bible into arabic are known from the early christian churches in syria egypt malta and spain. Welcome to arabic bible outreach.